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Lindsay Lohan Has Some Words For Sarah Palin!!!!!!!

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Lindsay Lohan Has Some Words For Sarah Palin!!!!!!! Empty Lindsay Lohan Has Some Words For Sarah Palin!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:06 pm

Lindsay Lohan Has Some Words For Sarah Palin!!!!!!! 300028038_l

Here’s the blog she recently posted on her MySpace page:
I couldn’t be more supportive of a woman in office, but let’s face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female. Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?

Hmmmm-All of this gets me going-Fear, Anxiety, Concern, Disappointment, and Stress come into play…

Is our country so divided that the Republicans best hope is a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe?

Palin’s Desire to “save and convert the gays”-really??

According to this Associated Press story, the church of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is hosting a kind of conference devoted to the “conversion of Gays” — no kidding.

I feel it’s necessary for me to clarify that I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman.

Women have come a long way in the fight to have the choice over what we do with our bodies… And its frightening to see that a woman in 2008 would negate all of that.

Oh, and…Hint Hint Pali Pal- Don’t pose for anymore tabloid covers, you’re not a celebrity, you’re running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!

And in the words of Pamela Anderson, “She can suck it”…
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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