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A Night With Eva.... Yours for Three Grand!!!!!!!

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A Night With Eva.... Yours for Three Grand!!!!!!! Empty A Night With Eva.... Yours for Three Grand!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:55 am

A Night With Eva.... Yours for Three Grand!!!!!!! FUCKUPAYME

A British escort agency is pimping out a working girl named
Valentina on their website (1500 pounds for an "overnight" visit). The
problem -- in the photo Valentina uses to advertise herself, she looks
a helluva lot like Eva Longoria ... because it is Eva Longoria. In
fact, the same photo appears on several Eva Longoria fansites.

When asked for comment, the nice lady at the escort agency said she
didn't know Eva, but was happy to hook us up with Valentina. We called
Eva's people, but nothing yet.

UPDATE: Apparently the agency wasn't quite that desperate: After we
called on the story, they switched out the offending photo. But get
this: They're still selling "Valentina" as Eva-like, just in words, not
in pics.

J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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