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Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside]

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Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] Empty Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside]

Post by J The Kidd Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:09 pm

Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] Img_palinslide

The group known as Anonymous, which earlier took on Scientology, has published screenshots of e-mail messages and images that it says came from a private e-mail account belonging to Governor Sarah Palin at gov.palin@yahoo.com. The data has been published by WikiLeaks.

Threat Level has confirmed the authenticity of at least one of the e-mails.

The information includes five screenshots from Palin's account, including the text of an e-mail exchange with Alaskan Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell about his campaign for Congress.

From Wikileaks' press release:

The internet activist group 'anonymous', famed for its
exposure of unethical behavior by the Scientology cult, has now gone
after the Alaskan governor and republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

At around midnight last night the group gained access to governor
Palin's email account ... and handed over the contents to the
government sunshine site Wikileaks.org.

Governor Palin has come under media criticism in the past week
for using pseudo-private email accounts to avoid Alaskan freedom of
information laws.

The zip archive made available by Wikileaks contains screen shots of
Palin's inbox, two example emails, governor Palin's address box and a
couple of family photos. While the emails released so far reveal
little, the list of correspondence appears to re-enforce the criticism
that Palin is mixing governmental and personal affairs.

Mother Jones ties the exposure to Palin's efforts to keep her emails from subpoena:

So, you know those Yahoo accounts Sarah Palin was using to keep her
official business safe from subpoenas? Turns out they're not so safe
after all. Palin's Yahoo accounts (gov.palin@yahoo.com and
gov.sarah@yahoo.com) were successfully hacked last night ... Since
then, the accounts have been deleted, which could be considered
destruction of evidence if a court chose to pursue it.

Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] Img_palinhackmsg

Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] 2008091704

Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] 2008091703

Palin's Email Account Hacked [Pics Inside] 2008091701
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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