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Michael Jackson Hospital Lawsuit Dropped!!!!!!!

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Michael Jackson Hospital Lawsuit Dropped!!!!!!! Empty Michael Jackson Hospital Lawsuit Dropped!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:53 pm

Michael Jackson Hospital Lawsuit Dropped!!!!!!! FUCKUPAYME

A family suing a California hospital for allegedly moving their
critically-ill relative to make room for superstar MICHAEL JACKSON have
dropped the case.

The family of Manuela Gomez Ruiz took legal action against Marian
Medical Center in Santa Monica last year (07) for infliction of
emotional and mental distress.

They claimed Ruiz, 73, was kept from critical care after suffering a
heart attack on the same day Jackson was brought in with flu-like
symptoms during his trial for child molestation in 2005.

The lawsuit alleged Ruiz was moved from a double room so the singer could have the entire space to himself.

They also complained of an "outrageous, circus-like atmosphere" in the last hours of her life.

The family had initially sued Jackson, but a judge dropped him from the lawsuit in April (08).

Now the Ruiz family have stopped the case against the hospital because of stress.

Family attorney James MCKiernan, says, "The defendants made it clear that it was going to be bare knuckles to the end.

"I'm representing people who have families and jobs, and the constant stress of this lengthy process was too much."

The court papers requesting the dismissal were filed on 19 August (08). The case was due to be heard next month.

Jackson was acquitted of the child molestation charges in June 2005.
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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