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STORY: How Bin Laden Got Away... A Delta Force Commander On Why Osama Escaped!!!!!!!

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STORY: How Bin Laden Got Away... A Delta Force Commander On Why Osama Escaped!!!!!!! Empty STORY: How Bin Laden Got Away... A Delta Force Commander On Why Osama Escaped!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:57 pm

STORY: How Bin Laden Got Away... A Delta Force Commander On Why Osama Escaped!!!!!!! L_5d210a9d3b0c46e18b4dda1a9d057af7

Taking cover behind a small earthen schoolhouse in Tora Bora,
Afghanistan, a message crackles over a Delta Force unit radio: "Father
is trying to break through the siege line." Adrenaline surges through
America special forces. It's December 10, 2001, the first - and, time
would tell, the best - chance for "Father," Osama Bin Laden, to be
killed by a small group of soldiers assigned to hunt down the Al Qaeda
leader, bringing back "a cloudy photograph . . . a clump of hair . . .
perhaps a severed finger wrapped in plastic."

In the gathering darkness of a valley, "the Jackal boys" - Hopper,
Admiral and CIA agent Adam Khan (all pseudonyms) - had flushed out some
Al Qaeda soldiers, with little help from a small contingent of
mujahideen (or "muhj") allies.

The Jackals "moved another thirty meters toward the enemy machine gun
in front of them. The muhj decided to stay put. Green tracers passed by
the left side of the Americans and tore up the ground around the muhj.
The Admiral keyed his hand mike to contact [the bomber] and . . . Adam
Khan [lasered] the machine-gun nest. [But] thick cloud cover hampered
the gunship, which would have to break the minimum safe altitude to
drop low enough to engage the targets."

Lacking air support and soldiers, the Admiral makes the decision to
retreat, and calmly gives the order over the radio, "Warpath. Warpath.

For Delta Force commander Dalton Fury (also not his real name), author
of the new insider's account "Kill Bin Laden" (St. Martin's Press),
it's a hard decision not to aid the Jackals' retreat. But if the
intelligence was right, and their attacks flushed out Father, the rest
of the Delta Force had to jump at the chance. They rush through enemy
territory to meet up with local warlord Hazret Ali, an Afghan ally who
can guide them through the maze of mountains and tunnels.

Instead, Ali greets them warmly, jumps into his SUV and heads away from
the fighting. After some confused translation, Fury realizes, "Ali's
fighters were finished for the evening. They were all headed home to
break their Ramadan fast. The muhj force that we thought had Bin Laden
surrounded and trapped apparently had packed it in for the day and was
hightailing it off the mountain in full retreat." Fury seemingly chose
his pen name because it sounded like a Chuck Norris character, but it
also describes his emotions toward the Tora Bora campaign. Though it
ravaged Al Qaeda, he considers it a failed mission, because he agrees
with intelligence reports that say Bin Laden escaped and is hiding in
Northern Pakistan.

J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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