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New Poll: Obama 14 Points Up On McCain

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New Poll: Obama 14 Points Up On McCain Empty New Poll: Obama 14 Points Up On McCain

Post by Nygee Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:33 am

New Poll: Obama 14 Points Up On McCain Obama10

Heading into tonight's (October 15) third and final presidential debate, a new poll has been released that shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by 14 points among likely voters.

The CBS News/New York Times poll shows that Obama went from a 3 point lead to a 14 point lead following last week's Town Hall debate which uncommitted voters saw as a win for Obama.

The Democratic ticket has opened an even wider lead among independents which they now lead by 18 points. The Republicans were leading in this area last week.

An explanation for the sudden surge is that twenty-one percent of voters polled say their opinion of McCain has changed over the last week with a view that he is running a very negative campaign.

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