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Eminem Regrets His Triumph Puppet Incident!!!!!!!

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Eminem Regrets His Triumph Puppet Incident!!!!!!! Empty Eminem Regrets His Triumph Puppet Incident!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:28 pm


EMINEM is still embarrassed about his MTV Video Music Awards
showdown with a puppet and wishes he had handled the surprise comedy
attack better.

The rapper was unprepared and a little baffled when Triumph The
Insult Comic Dog and his handler decided to have a little fun with him
at the 2002 prize-giving.

In an extract from his upcoming autobiography The Way I Am, published
in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine, the rap star writes,
"I'd been so busy touring and doing my own s**t, that I hadn't had time
to watch TV, so I had no idea what that dog was."

Triumph - a regular on Conan O'Brien's late-night U.S. chat show - was
'co-presenting' the awards show, poking fun at stars with outrageous
comedy routines.

And when the puppet and his handler cracked jokes about Eminem's feud with Moby, the rapper lost his cool.

He recalls, "All I saw was Moby... and this dude who's sticking his
hand in my face, trying to be funny. I didn't even see the puppet.


"My natural reaction was 'Get the f**k out of my face...' And that's
when I kind of lost it and a half. I should have kept my composure."

The rapper was so incensed by the incident, he claimed an award
from presenter Christina Aguilera, went backstage and hurled a drinks
container at the wall.

He adds, "I threw a fit. There was a cooler with drinks in it, and I
asked if anybody wanted to grab a water or something. Nobody did. So I
picked up the cooler and threw it against the wall and kind of f**ked
up the whole room."

In hindsight, he now realises how silly the whole incident was: "What I
actually got mad about was the most ridiculous thing in the world. A
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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