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Pink's Kidnap Ordeal!!!!!!!

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Pink's Kidnap Ordeal!!!!!!! Empty Pink's Kidnap Ordeal!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:39 pm


Pop punk Pink was once targeted by a female kidnapper - who wanted to lock the star up in her aunt's house.

The Trouble hit-maker, real name Alecia Moore, refuses to hire a
security team to accompany her everywhere she goes - and she was left
to fight off a potential abductor on her own while out in New York. But
Pink has laughed off the threat of danger, joking that she would have
let the woman kidnap her if she promised to feed her some good home

She says, "I never use bodyguards and a woman tried to kidnap me in
Times Square. It was actually very funny. I was just walking around,
doing my thing, and this woman came up to me and said, 'Hey, you're
Pink.' I just nodded and smiled and then she grabbed me by the arm and
said, 'I'm taking you to my aunt's house.'"

"A lot of people have problems with public confrontations, but it
doesn't worry me at all. I can handle myself. I know my martial arts. I
looked at her and said, 'I don't think so.' She wouldn't let go and was
trying to drag me towards the subway. There was a little bit of me that
was laughing inside thinking, 'Am I the only person this sort of thing
happens to?'"

"In the end, I just shook her firmly and shouted 'No' really loud. When
she'd gone I thought I should have asked if her aunt made a good
spaghetti Bolognese. If she'd said yes, I would have gone."
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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