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Sister Patterson Is At It Again. Punk Doesnt Really Love Jennifer Hudson

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Sister Patterson Is At It Again. Punk Doesnt Really Love Jennifer Hudson Empty Sister Patterson Is At It Again. Punk Doesnt Really Love Jennifer Hudson

Post by Nygee Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:40 am

Sister Patterson Is At It Again. Punk Doesnt Really Love Jennifer Hudson Sp10

LMAO I couldnt resist this pic

Get out your popcorn ladies and gents cause it's about to be interesting. Last week MediaTakeOut.com reported to you that Jennifer Hudson was talking out the side of her nek about our girl Tiffany "NEW YORK" Pollard.

Well Sister Patterson, New York's mama, is a fan of MediaTakeOut.com and she saw what J Hud was saying. And being the lady that she is, she decided that instead of taking it to the streets, she'd just send us a letter addressing the issue.

Here's what Sister Patterson had to say:

Before I jump in with both feet! I will start with a very civil....Hello! HELLO SAID.

My daughter is in no way jealous of Punk or Jen, thank you. It was a dating show, and that is all it was. If Tiffany wanted Mr. Punk she would have not dismissed him! But she did, and did not look back,.

We in this family love Miss J. Hudson and wish her all the best. I'm sure she has taken all the advice and support that her loving family can give, but I must speak the truth..

Jen I hope you do not get offended, but I must .... I saw you and David about a month ago in L.A. Tiff.and I were coming out of this hotel, and you and Punk were about to go in. Punk saw me and we greeted each other in an I'm SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU kind of love.

I looked him in the eyes, and he had to turn away! I knew then and there what was going on in his world - believe it or not. David is not in love with you dear, he may soon fall in love with you! But for right now he is not in love.

But I pray that the both of you take this relationship before the Lord in prayer. Tiffany and I are far from hater's. Your public can say, or think what they will - that is their right, but I must tell the truth. Hell I'm going to marry the mountain top too.

God bless. Sister Patterson

Number of posts : 2721
Age : 34
Location : Flint, MI - Phoenix, AZ - Atlanta, GA


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