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Daunte Culpepper Already WANTS Out Of Retirement!!!!!!!

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Daunte Culpepper Already WANTS Out Of Retirement!!!!!!! Empty Daunte Culpepper Already WANTS Out Of Retirement!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:16 pm

Daunte Culpepper Already WANTS Out Of Retirement!!!!!!! Daunteculpepperunretired

Quarterback Daunte Culpepper retired from the NFL in early September
but apparently he’s already dying to get back into the league.

“A number of teams have contacted me since my retirement
announcement and have provided some important information that has
caused me to reconsider returning to the League,” Culpepper said.

“As much as I have enjoyed my brief break from playing, I know that I
love the game and I have some unfinished business in the NFL. It has
never been because of a lack of passion for the game but rather, the
absence of a fair opportunity to compete and play that caused me to
retire. Now that there are some real opportunities that match my desire
to play, I will choose the one that is the best fit for both the team
and me so that I can continue my NFL career. For the second half of
this season, I hope to play a role in helping a team win some games. I
want to thank all of those who encouraged me to ‘keep a light on’ for
the right NFL opportunity that would eventually come back to me.”

Teams that could potentially have some interest in Culpepper are the
Green Bay Packers, Denver Broncos, Minnesota Vikings and the San
Francisco 49ers.

All of those teams mentioned could use some quality depth at the
quarterback postion. But son’t think for one second that the Patriots
would be interested in reuniting Culpepper with Randy Moss — thats not
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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