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Pitbull Talks TVT; Financial Crisis

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Pitbull Talks TVT; Financial Crisis Empty Pitbull Talks TVT; Financial Crisis

Post by Nygee Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:53 pm

Pitbull Talks TVT; Financial Crisis Pitbul10

In a new interview with StreetCred.com, Miami Hip-Hop artist Pitbull is speaking out on his time with TVT Records and the current financial crisis in the US.

Pitbull says that while his time signed to his former label TVT Records taught him some lessons, it wasn't the best experience overall.

"I mean to be honest with you, it goes to show I don’t beef with rappers, I deal with companies going bankrupt and sh*t. As far as with TVT, the staff was great, but unfortunately they had the powers that be they had to deal with and that was Steve Gottlieb (former TVT President). So to me it was a 4 year university on Music Hard Knocks 101. I learned a lot and now I’m in a situation with this iTunes/Orchard single going top 20...going into the top 10. And we about to drop the video and if I want to enter a situation with a major I can but I can stay with Orchard on what we are doing now."

Never one to shy away from talking politics, Pitbull also expressed his thoughts on the current financial mess in the US.

"I mean it’s like everything else. As far as the economy, it just shows how greedy people were. And it finally caught up to their greedy asses. That’s why they called it the $700 Billion bail out. We have to pay 700 billion to help out? No, it’s to pay for motherf*ckers who went to Vegas, gambled all of our money, gambled they money and now they want us to bail them out. Economically, we are in a constriction shell and the more money we pump into it, the worse it gets. It’s not helping. Look at AIG for example, they got $80 Billion and then they go take a half million dollar vacation? Come on buddy. So our economical status just shows our greed."

Number of posts : 2721
Age : 34
Location : Flint, MI - Phoenix, AZ - Atlanta, GA


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