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Cheerleader Gets FIRED & Says... I DIDNT SEE THE SWASTIKA!!!!!!!

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Cheerleader Gets FIRED & Says... I DIDNT SEE THE SWASTIKA!!!!!!! Empty Cheerleader Gets FIRED & Says... I DIDNT SEE THE SWASTIKA!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:35 pm


The ex-New England Patriots cheerleader kicked off the squad for her role in a penis-happy, swastika infested photo scandal is finally talking -- and she's blaming the whole thing on bad judgment .... a really bad Halloween costume.

In a statement to TMZ, 18-year-old Caitlin Davis refuses to take responsibility for the offensive images drawn on a drunk guy who passed out at a party, because, "The kid in the picture was a 'drunk guy who passed out and was written on,' as his costume for the night."

It all went down in a dorm at Boston College. Caitlin claims, "Me and my girls left the dorm and went to another house and came back to the kid passed out on the futon we were suppose to sleep on. The guys ended up drawing more on him due to the fact that he was the first one to pass out on Halloween night ... At the time I had jumped in the picture with the kid, I didn't realize what had been drawn on him, which I take responsibility for not being alert."

She adds, "Me and my girlfirends [sic] took pictures with him because we found it humorous how badly he was drawn on."

More proof the Patriots are falling apart without Tom Brady.

[Click Here For MORE!!]
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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