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Secretary Of State.... HILLARY CLINTON

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Secretary Of State.... HILLARY CLINTON Empty Secretary Of State.... HILLARY CLINTON

Post by J The Kidd Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:07 pm

Secretary Of State.... HILLARY CLINTON Barrack

President-elect Barack Obama announced Monday that
Robert Gates would remain as defense secretary, making President Bush's
Pentagon chief his own as he seeks to wind down the U.S. role in Iraq.
Obama picked former campaign rival Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary
of state

At a news conference, Obama also introduced retired Marine Gen. James
Jones as White House national security adviser, former Justice
Department official Eric Holder as attorney general and Arizona Gov.
Janet Napolitano as secretary of homeland security.

The announcements rounded out the top tier of the team that will advise
the incoming chief executive on foreign and national security issues in
an era marked by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and terrorism around the

"The time has come for a new beginning, a new dawn of American
leadership to overcome the challenges of the 21st century," Obama said
as his Cabinet picks stood behind him on a flag-draped stage.

"We will strengthen our capacity to defeat our enemies and support our
friends. We will renew old alliances and forge new and enduring

Obama said his appointees "share my pragmatism about the use of power,
and my sense of purpose about America's role as a leader in the world."

Gates' presence in Chicago made him a visible symbol of the transition
in power from the Bush administration to one headed by Obama.

The president-elect, reprising a campaign vow, said he would give the
military a new mission as soon as he takes office: "responsibly ending
the war in Iraq through a successful transition to Iraqi control." He
did not mention his oft-repeated pledge to withdraw most U.S. combat
troops within 16 months.

Clinton, Holder and Napolitano all require confirmation by the Senate.

Jones, as a White House official, does not. Nor does Gates, already confirmed to the post.

He also appointed campaign foreign policy aide Susan Rice as his
ambassador to the United Nations. Obama said he would make her a member
of the Cabinet, an increase in stature from the Bush era.

Obama's announcements marked a shift in emphasis, after a spate of appointments last week for his economic team.

He now has selected half the members of his Cabinet, and is doing so at
an unusually quick pace during his transition as he seeks to fulfill
his goal of being able to "hit the ground running" when he takes the
oath of office on Jan. 20.

Obama introduced Clinton first, saying of his former presidential
rival, "She possesses an extraordinary intelligence and toughness, and
a remarkable work ethic. ... She is an American of tremendous stature
who will have my complete confidence, who knows many of the world's
leaders, who will command respect in every capital, and who will
clearly have the ability to advance our interests around the world."
J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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