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Porn No Longer the Most Popular Activity Online!!!!!!!

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Porn No Longer the Most Popular Activity Online!!!!!!! Empty Porn No Longer the Most Popular Activity Online!!!!!!!

Post by J The Kidd Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:59 am

Porn No Longer the Most Popular Activity Online!!!!!!! Pd_pornwork_071018_mn

Porn is no longer the number one activity on the Internet. It may be
hard to believe, but according to a recent study by Bill Tancer, a
researcher at Hitwise (an Internet tracking company), time spent on
social networking sites has surpassed time spent 'browsing' adult
entertainment pages. Searches for pornography have dropped to account
for 10-percent of Web searches, down from 20-percent a decade ago.

Some other interesting tidbits from the study:

* The top fears that people search for are elbows (seriously), belly button lint, ceiling fans, social intimacy and rejection.

* Searches for anti-depressant drugs spike around Thanksgiving.

* Searches for images of Sarah Palin are popular, but searches for her stance on issues are nowhere near the top.

It's nice to see that people are doing things online besides gazing at
porno, but we still think time wasted on a social networking site would
be better utilized by socializing in, you know, the real world.

J The Kidd
J The Kidd

Number of posts : 12671
Location : Nevada


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